Sunday, August 4, 2019

OYA color class update

Our OYA color class that we hosted at the spa went really well! I learned a thing or two about these fabulous hair products that contain less chemicals and more good things such as green tea and sea kelp, than all other products on the market.

After the class concluded I was offered an opportunity to become and OYA Beauty educator and I am in the process of moving forward with this amazing opportunity!

I love how the products are healthier for us and our hair! I am all about clean eating, exercise and a healthy lifestyle so OYA falls right in line with what I already know and practice.

Before and after: (using OYA wilds)

You can read more about the line here: OYA Beauty

More from Deanna Martinez: Hair colorist & Stylist:

Micro foil VS. chunky foil

How to maintain fashion hair colors